
Your Support Matters!

When you order a Dream Lottery ticket, it’s a WIN-WIN! Not only do you have the chance to WIN a prize, you WIN by helping London’s hospitals support excellent patient care for patients like Milanah, Helen and Jessica, whose stories are featured here…

Meet Milanah...

…arriving in the world at 25 weeks via emergency c-section, tiny Milanah needed extra breathing support, feeding tubes and procedures to repair her heart defects. It took 132 days of expert care in Children’s Hospital’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit for Milanah to grow strong enough to go home. Today, she is a chatty two-year-old who loves music and Elmo!

Read Milanah's Full Story

Meet Helen...

…whose life was instantly changed when she discovered a lump one morning in the shower. She was terrified to learn it was breast cancer, but the team at St. Joseph’s Norton and Lucille Wolf Breast Care Centre guided her through her healthcare journey and offered comfort when she needed it most. Using state-of-the-art imaging equipment, Helen’s cancer was caught and treated early – and a full recovery became her reality

Read Helen's Full Story

Meet Jessica...

…who started her medical journey with London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC) at three months old. During adulthood, she was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer and was left with only one option: experimental radiation at the Gerald C. Baines Centre for Translational Cancer Research (Baines Centre). Jessica’s treatment was a resounding successful, and she is deeply appreciative of the Baines Centre at LHSC for giving her a second chance at life

Read Jessica's Full Story

Every Ticket Changes a Life!

It’s a Win-Win!